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The North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association hosted sheriffs, sheriffs’ personnel and their families from across the state for the 2023 Fall Meeting in Western North Carolina from November 2nd through November 6th.  Alamance County Sheriff Terry Johnson was in attendance. Commenting on his experience attending the meeting, Sheriff Johnson said, “I am always grateful for the opportunity to attend a meeting hosted by the Association. It is important for sheriffs across the state to continue to collaborate and to learn from each other so that we can continue to improve the Office of Sheriff.”

This annual meeting is an opportunity for sheriffs and sheriffs’ personnel to gather and network, participate in panel discussions and receive useful training classes that expand their knowledge regarding current policy and practice in law enforcement. The meeting also allows them to discuss issues among themselves and with other criminal justice professionals.

Training classes and discussion topics covered at this year’s Fall Meeting included evidence management, legal issues regarding mass gatherings and protests, managing civil unrest and legislative updates, among others.

North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association President and Iredell County Sheriff Darren Campbell commented on his experience at this fall event, saying “Our Fall Meeting is another excellent opportunity for sheriffs and our personnel to gather for a week of networking and learning. The sheriffs who attend look forward to the training classes offered at this event and enjoy the panel discussions. These panel discussions are a unique opportunity to learn from each other. We hear from other sheriffs across the state about experiences they have had in their community regarding specific topics. I always look forward to attending Association events to see fellow sheriffs and Association staff.”


The mission of the North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association, Inc. is to serve as the statewide voice to protect, promote, preserve, and enhance the Office of Sheriff in North Carolina through education, training, and legislative initiatives that increase public safety and protect the rights of the citizens of North Carolina.

– Proudly serving the sheriffs and citizens of North Carolina since 1922 –

Sheriff Terry S. Johnson