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Last week, the North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association hosted sheriffs, sheriffs’ personnel and their families from across the state for their Annual Business Conference. Alamance County Sheriff Terry Johnson was in attendance. Commenting on their experience at the Annual Business Conference, Sheriff Johnson said, “I always look forward to the opportunity to meet with fellow sheriffs at Association events. It is important for us to collaborate and always work to enhance the Office of Sheriff in North Carolina. The Annual Business Conference is just one of the many ways the Association allows us to do that.”

The Annual Business Conference is an opportunity for sheriffs and sheriffs’ personnel to gather for networking, panel discussions, and training programs which cover a variety of topics related to law enforcement. Topics covered during this year’s Annual Business Conference included the sheriff’s role in school safety and active shooter response procedures, among others. Attendees also heard presentations from guest speakers and attended a number of meetings throughout the conference.

The Association also elects new Executive Committee officers each year at the conference. This year’s elections resulted in five sheriffs being elected to new offices:

  • President – Sheriff Darren Campbell, Iredell County
  • First Vice President – Sheriff Mike Roberson, Chatham County
  • Second Vice President – Sheriff Ricky Buchanan, McDowell County
  • Third Vice President – Sheriff Clee Atkinson, Edgecombe County
  • Treasurer – Sheriff Van Shaw, Cabarrus County

Outgoing President Charles Blackwood, Orange County, will transition into the role of Chairman of the Association’s Executive Committee and Sheriff Alan Jones, Caldwell County, was reelected to serve as Secretary.

Newly-elected Association President Darren Campbell remarked, “The Annual Business Conference is always an excellent opportunity for sheriffs to get together to discuss important issues we are facing, network, and conduct Association business. I am excited for the opportunity to serve as the President of the North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association and hope to help enhance public safety in our communities while representing the sheriffs of North Carolina.”

The mission of the North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association, Inc. is to serve as the statewide voice to protect, promote, preserve, and enhance the Office of Sheriff in North Carolina through

education, training, and legislative initiatives that increase public safety and protect the rights of the citizens of North Carolina.

– Proudly serving the sheriffs and citizens of North Carolina since 1922 –