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Alamance Sheriff’s Office Announces Formation of Citizens’ Public Safety Advisory Committee

Alamance Sheriff’s Office Announces Formation of Citizens’ Public Safety Advisory Committee

The Alamance County Sheriff’s Office would like to announce the formation of the Citizens’ Public Safety Advisory Committee. This committee is an avenue to encourage open dialog and trust between the Sheriff’s Office and the community. Members of the committee include:

Mr. Tim Britt, Co-Chair
Mr. Michael Graves, Co-Chair
Ms. Barbara Acosta, Member
Dr. Larry Covington, Member
Judge Larry Brown, Member
Mr. Tommy Coble, Member
Grandmaster Sangho Lee, Member

The Citizens’ Public Safety Advisory Committee has met twice during the last two months to discuss the structure, mission, and goals moving forward. While still in the preliminary planning stages, members voted to work towards the following:

1. Provide a forum for residents of Alamance County to address issues and concerns relating to public safety and law enforcement
2. Recommend actions that may be taken to address sources of crime in Alamance County and provide input on policies and procedures
3. Recommend ways to assist with recruiting and retaining a diverse and qualified workforce in law enforcement
4. Recommend actions that will improve the ability to build trust and provide greater public safety to residents
5. Educate and advocate with the public including but not limited to participation in interactive community and law enforcement-related events and town hall-type meetings

“This is an opportunity for the Alamance County Sheriff’s Office to listen and engage with our community,” says Sheriff Terry Johnson. “We appreciate the commitment of committee members and their passion to see positive change in our county, and we look forward to working with them.”

More information can be found on the Alamance County Sheriff’s website at